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CCP Operations in Canada Go Beyond Secret Chinese Police Stations: MPs

The covert operations of the Chinese regime in Canada go beyond secret Chinese police stations, MPs said in a recent report on investigations into these purported police outposts.
However, the report also highlighted the testimony of Laura Harth, campaign director at Safeguard Defenders, who revealed three incidents of compelled return to China, identified to have occurred beyond the activities associated with the alleged Chinese police stations in Canada.
“Having been a judge, Xie knew very well what was in store for him should he return and he continued to refuse despite the retaliation against his family members and others. China even sent a lawyer to Canada to persuade him in person in vain,” Safeguard Defenders said.
Gloria Fung, president of Canada–Hong Kong Link, gave another example of a Chinese diaspora who came under surveillance by CCP agents for criticizing the regime.
“His family members have been shown photos of this dissident’s family picture, and also showing him having dinner with his family in Toronto. He was totally shocked about this, because he thought he had come to a safe and free society. He didn’t know that he was still under surveillance in Canada,” Ms. Fung said in her CACN testimony.
“Actually, eventually, because he refused to self-censor, his brother got laid off. Then the parents of his wife, his in-laws, were put in jail. It shows the severity of this kind of coercion and also threats, intimidation and harassment of people in Canada.”
“Although the Chinese Communist Party portrays the overseas police service stations as facilities providing administrative and consular services, witnesses emphasized they also monitor diaspora communities, collect civil intelligence, harass and intimidate individuals who are critical of China policies and assist China public security authorities with coerced return operations,” said the Nov. 29 CACN report.
